Dec 21, 2011

Vuelve a empezar
aunque sientas el cansancio
aunque el triunfo te abandone
aunque un error te lastime
aunque un negocio se quiebre
aunque una traicion te hiera
aunque una ilucion se apage
aunque el dolor queme tus ojos
aunque ignoren tus esfuerzos
aunque la ingratitud sea la paga
aunque la incompresion corte tu riza
aunque todo parezca nada
vuelve a empezar. />
Start again,
even if you feel tired
even if success has failed you
even if a mistake haunts you
even if your business is bankrupt
even if infidelity has hurt you
even if your faith seems weak
even if the pain burns your eyes
even if your hardwork is ignored
even if ingratitude is the pay
even if indifference cuts your smile
even if everything seems like nothing
Start again. />

1 comment:

  1. that is a really inspiring poem
    im sure it sounds even nicer in spanish
