Now isn't that just gorgeous? I saw this simple bridal shower that one bridesmaids put together for her bride-to-be bestfriend and it was absolutely beautiful. I just love how easy it can be achieved and that it actually took place in a park. I wish I can find the original picture but this one from h&m is the perfect inspiration picture. To achieve this all you need is:
- a few bright balloons or paper latterns which retail for about $10 for a package of 4 or 5.
-A few old borrowed colorful blankets, sheets and pillows.
-A table or two to place snacks/drinks on (preferably cupcakes yum!)
-A tablecloth or two to achieve a more "whimsical" look
Now ask all your friends to bring in drinks/snacks/cups/plates/napkins/ice
And ta-da your all done, and this pretty look is all achieved with less than $50 dollars! Now um all I need is for one of my friends to get engaged as soon as possible so I can do all this :) I can't wait to be on the other end being a bridesmaids!