Feb 1, 2013

Pictures from my mother's two bedrooms via Instagram

I am so nostalgic every time I come over to my mother's place that I couldn't help and snap a picture of her two lovely little bedrooms with my iPhone (hence the bad quality pictures). My mother's bedroom decor has change quite a bit from when I use to live there, but some of the pieces are rather old and remind me of my times here. My old bedroom, on the contrary, is exactly the same as when I left, right down to the picture frames and even the bedspread so it makes my stay quite wistful and cozy every time I stay over.  It also reminds me that I need to warm up my own home- which has been left quite empty and cold due to the fact that my husband and I are waiting to move to another place. I can't wait to move and warm up my little apartment instead of just having the necessities like I do now.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Zaira, thanks so much for your comments on my blog :) I really appreciate them. I'm glad you had such a strong reaction to the poem about marriage, I think it's fantastic that you are so passionate about it! How do you and your husband make your marriage work?
    Your mother has a beautiful house, it must be weird to visit your old bedroom though!
    Lots of love, Eri x
